Hello folks, I am the owner of Western Appliance Repair in Boise Idaho. I am writing another blog article of some of my repair jobs in Boise. I hope this article can be useful to you or others when confronting problems with your appliances.
On a recent appliance repair service call we had a dishwasher that was leaking water out the left front corner of the dishwasher during the wash cycle. The floor was damaged significantly in this location but I was not able to duplicate the leak. This is frustrating but not unusual. I reached my hand up under the door and felt wetness, bingo! That was enough for me to search for a culprit and decide which way to proceed.
The first thing to inspect is the outer door seal for tears or damage. It looked good. I pulled the lower spray arm off and inspected and this is what I found-a separation at the plastic seam. When this break, or separation happens, water will spray out of the breach and into the water that accumulates on the bottom of tub during the wash cycle. This creates waves which travel to the lower drip panel of door and splashes out. Problem may not show itself until late in the cycle when the plastic has softened and the breach has become larger. This can make things difficult to diagnose.
If you need help with your appliance, please feel free to call Western Appliance Repair in Boise Idaho. Thank you,